Administrative Committees 2024-2025

School Council

The School Council is responsible for all official School policy and direction. All members of Council, including all members of faculty, are expected to attend all meetings of the Council.

The Council normally meets on the first Thursday of each month at 2:30pm in the School Conference Room. All members of the School may attend, but only members of the Council may vote.

H. Hassanein Director (Chair)
R. Tippett School Manager
B. Hall School Technology Manager
C. Napier/C. Sheridan Director's Assistant (Council Secretary)
All faculty members, including cross-appointees
TBA GCS President
TBA GCS VP Operations
TBA GCS VP University Affairs
TBA COMPSA President

Undergraduate Committee

The Undergraduate Committee:

All members of the School may attend, but only members of the Committee may vote.

Y. Chen Undergraduate Chair & Acting Curriculum Coordinator
R. Ellis Curriculum Advisor
W. Powley Lead Advisor, First-year and Internships Coordinator
K. Knight Undergraduate Program Administrator (Committee Secretary)
E. Gunsinger Undergraduate Assistant
H. Abbas
J. Dingel
J. Dunfield
B. Ma
E. Meger
C. Muise
TBA Undergraduate Student Members

Undergraduate Advisors and Coordinators

W. Powley Undergraduate Program Advisors
J. Dingel
B. Ma
C. Muise Orientation Advisors
E. Meger
W. Powley First-year Coordinator
W. Powley Internship Coordinator
B. Ma BMCO Program Advisor
J. Dunfield CSCI Program Advisor
S. Nabil COCA Program Advisor
B. Ma COGS Program Advisor
D. Skillicorn COMA Program Advisor
J. Dunfield SODE Program Advisor
N. Graham CISC 496 Coordinator
A. Hossein CISC 498 Coordinator
Y. Chen CISC 499 Coordinator
CISC 500 Coordinator
COGS 499 Coordinator
R. Tippett, School Manager TA Coordinators
Z. Tazreen, Graduate Program Administrator
Y. Chen Advisor to Part-time Studies

Graduate Committee

The Graduate Committee:

All members of the School may attend, but only members of the Committee may vote.

K. Salomaa Graduate and Admissions Chair
Z. Tazreen Graduate Program Assistant (Committee Secretary)
Q. Duan
H. ElSawy
S. Chowdhury
S. Givigi (Jan. - June 2025)
J. Stewart
Y. Tian
F. Zulkernine

Graduate Sub-committees and Coordinators

K. Salomaa Graduate Admissions
Q. Duan
H. ElSawy
Y. Tian
F. Zulkernine
K. Salomaa PhD Committee
S. Chowdhury
S. Givigi (Jan. - June 2025)
J. Stewart
Y. Tian
K. Salomaa Graduate Recruiting
N. Graham DPM Masters Coordinator
Q. Duan Biomedical Informatics Coordinator
H. Abbas DEBI Program Coordinator
A. Hossain
R. Tippett, School Manager TA Coordinators
Z. Tazreen, Graduate Program Administrator

Executive Committee (ex officio)

The Executive Committee is responsible for considering matters of the day-to-day administrative direction of the School including advising the School Manager and School Technical Manager on matters such as staff assignment and budget issues. It identifies the need for changes in School administrative, technical and budget policy, and brings policy changes to the School Council for approval.

The committee meets on an impromptu basis as the need arises.

H. Hassanein Director (Chair)
R. Tippett School Manager
B. Hall School Technology Manager
A. Hassan Strategic Planning
Y. Chen Undergraduate Chair
K. Salomaa Graduate Chair

Strategic Planning Committee

The purpose of the committee is to create and execute strategic plans that are in harmony with the Queen's academic objectives and requirements. It plays a vital role in defining the technology vision and roadmap for the School, with a focus on enhancing teaching, learning, research, and administrative functions. This entails:

A. Hassan Chair
R. Tippett School Manager
B. Hall School Technology Manager
S. Chowdhury
C. Muise
M. Zulkernine
H. Hassanein Director (ex officio)

Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee (elected)

The RTP Committee:

Faculty members are elected as specified in the Collective Agreement. All members, including student members, are required to have equity training. The committee meets as necessary to meet the RTP process schedule.

J. Dingel Chair
C. Napier/C. Sheridan Director's Assistant (Committee Secretary)
B. Adams
T. Hu
C. Muise
K. Salomaa
TBA Graduate Student Member

Appointments Committee (elected)

The Appointments Committee:

Faculty members are elected as specified in the Collective Agreement, augmented with the Director ex officio. All members, including student members, are required to have equity training. The committee meets as necessary to consider appointments and sessional re-appointments.

J. Dingel Chair
C. Napier/C. Sheridan Director's Assistant (Committee Secretary)
B. Adams
T. Hu
C. Muise
K. Salomaa
TBA Graduate Student Member

Resources and Space Committee

The committee is responsible for all issues of undergraduate, graduate and research facilities, including space, environment, shared equipment and shared infrastructure. It:

R. Tippett School Manager (Chair)
B. Hall School Technology Manager
S. Nabil
F. Zulkernine
Graduate Student Member TBA
Undergraduate Student Member TBA
H. Hassanein Director (ex officio)

Research Committee

The Research Committee offers guidance and input to enhance the overall research landscape within the School. Members advise on various facets of research, including:

N. Churchman Research Manager (Chair)
N. Haun Research Administrator (Committee Secretary)
B. Adams
S. Nabil
G. Fichtinger
P. Mousavi
M. Zulkernine
H. ElSawy Distinguished Seminar Series Coordinator

Library Committee

The committee is responsible for considering matters related to University library collections, acquisitions and services affecting the School.

F. Alaca Chair
J. Stewart
S. Whittaker

Awards Committee

The committee responsible for calling for nominations for School of Computing Awards to faculty, staff, and graduate students. It also selects the recipients of these awards.

The committee normally meets online or on an impromptu basis as the need arises.

F. Alaca Chair
A. Darbinyan
F. Zulkernine
Graduate Student TBA

Marketing Committee

Reporting to the School Council, the focus of the Marketing Committee is on undergraduate and graduate enrolment. The committee is responsible for:

A. Darbinyan Chair
R. Tippett School Manager
K. Knight Undergraduate Program Administrator
Z. Tazreen Graduate Program Administrator
D. Martin
S. Whittaker
TBA Undergraduate Student
TBA Graduate Student
Y. Chen Undergraduate Chair (ex officio)
K. Salomaa Graduate Chair (ex officio)
H. Hassanein Director (ex officio)

Fundraising Committee

The purpose of the committee is to oversee the fundraising activities of the School of Computing, including developing a fundraising strategy and its implementation, and identifying & maintaining a list of existing and potential sponsors and funders. The Fundraising Committee will work closely with the Strategic Planning Committee and the Functional Planning and Visioning Committee.

P. Mousavi Chair
R. Tippett School Manager
A. Darbinyan
S. Givigi (Jan. - June 2025)
S. Nabil
A. Simpson
H. Hassanein Director (ex officio)

Privacy and Ethics Committee

The committee:

It does not consider research ethics approvals - these are submitted directly to the University research ethics board (GREB).

B. Hall School Technology Manager (Chair)
C. Stinson
A. Visser
TBA Graduate Student Member
R. Tippett School Manager (ex officio)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion & Outreach Committee

The mandate of the committee is to promote and implement initiatives that foster equity, diversity, and inclusion. The committee works to create an inclusive environment by addressing barriers and biases, developing policies and recommending training programs, and engaging in outreach activities. It monitors progress, assesses impact, and recommends adjustments to advance EDI efforts.

T. Hu Chair
D. Skillicorn
C. Stinson
R. Tippett
TBA Graduate Student Member
TBA Undergraduate Student Member

Social Committee

The Social Committee is responsible for organizing social activities and events that promote community engagement and well-being. Their mandate includes planning gatherings, celebrations, team-building activities, and recreational events to foster a positive and supportive environment for faculty, staff, and students. The committee aims to enhance social connections and create a sense of belonging within the School.

A. Darbinyan Chair
R. Tippett School Manager
E. Gunsinger
E. Meger
C. Napier/C. Sheridan

Electrical and Computer Engineering Liaison

The liaisons are responsible for maintaining regular contact and good relations with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Faculty of Applied Science in general.

G. Fichtinger School of Computing ECE Caucus
H. Hassanein
P. Mousavi
M. Zulkernine
Y. Chen, Undergraduate Chair ECE Curriculum Committee Representative
R. Ellis, Curriculum Coordinator
A. Visser Staff Liaison

Faculty Liaison

The liaisons:

J. Dunfield Arts & Science Faculty Board Representative
All members of School faculty Arts & Science Faculty Board Members
G. Fichtinger Engineering and Applied Science Faculty Board Representative
All QSC faculty who are cross appointed to, and/or teach core courses in, Engineering and Applied Science Engineering and Applied Science Faculty Board Members
K. Salomaa, Graduate Chair Arts and Science Graduate Council

University and Faculty Level

S. Akl Queen's University Fields Institute Executive Committee
R. Ellis QUFA Council Representative
TBA FAS, Board of Studies
TBA School of Graduate Studies Fellowship Committee
H. Hassanein Committee of Departments
TBA University Senate
T. Hu FAS - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity Committee
A. Simpson HMRC Director
M. Zulkernine Queen's Cybersecurity Steering Committee
M. Zulkernine NSERC Computing Panel



S. Givigi July 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2024